Throughout scripture, the well is a place for women to gather for fellowship and community. They took the water they drew and shared it with their families and friends. In the 4th chapter of the gospel of John, the well became the place where Jesus came to meet with a woman and share His Living Water with her and, of course, she ran back immediately to share what she had received.
The Well ministry is a place for women walking through divorce and single motherhood to find community and to share the Living Water of Jesus Christ with each other and then to run back and share that Water with others.
Our Mission
The Well ministry desires, through community and outreach, to allow Jesus to use our stories to tell of His goodness and love. We want to help women to find, in their own stories walking through divorce or single motherhood, where Jesus came to meet them and to invite others to accept His Living Water as well.
When the Samaritan woman came to the well that day, she wasn’t living a story that she wanted to share but after meeting Jesus, she ran back to town to tell everyone she met. What made the difference? Jesus used her story as a tool to share the Living Water with her.
Marriage &Remarriage
Singled Out in a Couples World by Christa Smith
Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa Terkeurst
It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst
Moving Forward
What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa Terkeurst
When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas
Friendship & Fellowship
I’ll Be There (But I’ll Be Wearing Sweatpants) by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnson
About Stephanie Sharp
I remember the series of events that led me here as if it happened yesterday. In what seemed like a span of time that could be described as overnight I went from being a working mother and wife in ministry with my husband to a single mom with three children in diapers, no longer in ministry and on the verge of a long and not-fun divorce. About a year later I added unemployed to that list. My life was turned completely upside down; the exact opposite of what it had previously been and I was hurting. Shame became my new identity. I prayed many times for God to make me invisible or to wipe me from people’s memories. I just wanted to be anonymous or worse yet, to disappear.
Then one day, I encountered God in such a real and practical way in my home, of all places, and in a time when I wasn’t looking for Him. He came after me. He opened my eyes to the fact that He had been there all along; with me every step of the way. Best of all, He erased my shame. The story I had been living seemed to me to be the very source of all my shame but Jesus showed me that it was that very story that He wanted to use to restore not only me, but to send me to minister His love and restoration to others. By His grace, God has sent me to share my story and to walk with other women in their stories to encounter Him in a real and practical way here at The Well.